Divide and rule: the new ward boundaries for Camden Town

Every 20 years, the Electoral Wards Commission revises our local ward boundaries. There was a new consultation last year. Changes are needed because of the expanding population: Camden Borough proposes to build 1000 new homes a year (and rebuild others) through until 2030. 

This is the map of Camden Town estate when it was being built in 1850.

Camden Estate map (London Metropolitan Library)

Here are ward boundaries from earlier periods:

In the consultation last year, Rochester Conservation Area recommended two wards, of Camden Town and Cantlowes. Wards are expected to be about 10 000 population, so two were needed – called Cantlowes and Camden Town.

Instead, the Electoral Commission’s proposals, with the Council’s support, will divide Camden Road, with Rochester put into ‘Kentish Town South’; change Cantlowes, the historic name, for ‘Camden Square’; put ‘Camden Town’ at Chalk Farm Road; and call old (south) Camden Town ‘St Pancras & Somers Town’.

Electoral Wards proposed (red) Camden Town estate (blue)

There has been very little interest from local councillors about the changes proposed for central Camden.  Why has Rochester Terrace Gardens been separated from Rochester Square? How will fifteen councillors discuss the needs of Camden Town?
